17:2617:26, 10 نومبر 2024خانه بدوش (تاريخ | سنواريو) [٤٠٢ ٻاٽڻيون]Indus Asia(بحث | ڀاڱيداريون)(""Khanabadosh" is a Persian word that is commonly used in various South Asian languages It generally refers to a '''wanderer''' or '''nomad''' In a more poetic or literary sense, it can symbolize a free spirit or someone living without attachment to material things. For the word "Kanabadosh", Sindhi language has it own words, that are: لاڏائو، رولو، گهمندڙ ڦرندڙ قبيلو" سان صفحو سرجيو ويو)ٽيگَ: 2017ع ذريعو سنوار
17:1517:15, 10 نومبر 2024اتڻ (تاريخ | سنواريو) [٦٦٨ ٻاٽڻيون]Indus Asia(بحث | ڀاڱيداريون)(""اَتڻ" (pronounced ''aṯann'') refers to the '''act of dancing''' a traditional form of dance, often associated with cultural events, celebrations, and gatherings lively and rhythmic dance, typically performed in a circle or a group setting In Sindhi language it is also used to say or tell. For example: اُداهرَڻ = چوڻ، بيان ڪرڻ, چوڻ ، آکڻ ، ڪَهڻ Other words are also drived from it, اُڪتَ = اُتل، چيل..." سان صفحو سرجيو ويو)ٽيگَ: 2017ع ذريعو سنوار