
Wiktionary طرفان
وڪيپيڊيا تي پڙھندا:
انساني دماغ, اسم-وصف 1





دِماغُ (جمع دِماغَ)

  1. جو اھو حصو جيڪو مرڪزي تنتي سرشتو ڪنھن جانور ۾ skull ضابطي ٿو حرڪت جي جنور.
  2. ذھن، ذھانَتَ يا ڪو ذھين ماڻھو.
    He was a total brain.
  3. A person who provides the intelligence required for something.
    the brain behind the scheme
  4. (in plural brains) Intellect.
    He has a lot of brains.
  5. By analogy with a human brain, the part of a machine or computer that performs calculations.
    The computer's brain is capable of millions of calculations a second.


part of central nervous system

intelligent person

person who provides the intelligence required for something

brains: intellect


part of a computer that performs calculations

زير غور ترجما[ترميميو]
The translations below need to be checked and inserted into the appropriate tables above, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:How to check translations.

لاڳاپيل لفظ ۽ اصطلاح[ترميميو]

Transitive verb[ترميميو]

to brain (brains, braining, brained)

  1. (slang) To strike (someone) on the head.
  2. To kill (a person) by smashing that person's skull.



to strike on the head

to kill a person

Translations to be checked[ترميميو]
The translations below need to be checked and inserted into the appropriate tables above, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:How to check translations.